
Week 6 : Large class and Interactive Power Point Presentation

Readings on Week 6 were about Technology Tools for Creating Student-Centered Classes, which included large Classes. I read the workshop handout written by Rick Finnan and Donna Shaw: the higher education development Project, which was about Teaching Large Classes II - Enhancing Learning by Engaging Students. It was about the  problems with large lecture-style classes, the definition of teaching and learning, Enhancing lecture classes which collaboration in the form of small group activities work well with.  Then I have learnt about Interactive PowerPoint Presentation. I had never known or learnt before that one can convert a power point to an interactive presentation that can be viewed online and on-demand by students, colleagues, peers, and administrators. 

The jasmine rice fields in Chumphonburi/Surin
The Task Donna  set  for Yellow group is to create one the Interactive Power Point  which can be a ConcepTest, QuickWrite, hyperlinks/jumps to other sections of the PPT show based on student responses, blank slides to shift attention, a game, a quiz, think-pair-share,  Jeopardy game or interactive story, etc. by using information from the optional readings.  Knowing myself that I am not good at this, I visited several websites and watched  slide shows on youtube about the instruction and some advice of the experts of creating something on the list and decided to create a quiz which seems not too complicated much for me and that I can use it to promote about my province. So I did visit the following websites-http://www.adobeforacademics.com/tutorials/527, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVpquBe7auQ, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UssuI0mY6RI,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdzdPCHqD5w. I made my first quiz by using the Interactive powerpoint on Windows10 at home and uploaded it to the Yellowgroup Wiki.  

To be sure that my Quiz was still there, I accessed the Webskills Online Course again from my school and found that it works well on window7 too.  I only have to wait for the pointing sign (hand) appeared before clicking. Wow! I like it a lot. This tool will be used along with the  WebQuests from Week5 on my project report too. Thank you a lot to the Webskills team for introducing this to us.

Learning online with Webskill Course has made me miss the quotes- "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -Lao-Tsu,  "People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success." -Norman Vincent Peale. So just start, then we will learn. 

That was the adventure of mine on Week 6.

The English Resource and Instruction Centre Network Training Program 2014 at Mahasarakham



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