
Week 8 : The Adventure of Mrs.Loytalay!

I would like to use the following quotes for my Week 8 Task-"...But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." - Robert Frost, and “A project
 is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it.” Also, “Done is better than perfect.”- Scott Allen as they both describe my situation when I was working on the most important Task of completing my Project report/Plan report. I was responsible for not being more careful with my time and not getting myself prepared to do it since the first week of the course. Additionally, my week very difficult with the tight schedules at school and the extra duties that I am responsible for. I enjoy the way Donna had us finding a partner so we could meet new people. My partner, Zenaide, was very kind to welcome me to join her, despite my students being in grade 9, and hers study as university freshmen. As a result, I can say that this course has promoted learner autonomy in me. Also, learning online, we had produced a lot of discussions, and created new technology tools for our project reports and plan reports.

by having the time limited for this task, I learnt how to create the plan report within a deadline. Additionally, I have learnt how to be a kind instructor when students have a problem, and require my help. I have learnt how to use new technology tools, but discovered that it was difficult to decide which one I enjoy using the most. The new technology tools that I decided to use were WebQuests with Patlet. Therefore, my students will learn from these techniques, and do the activities appropriately. I think it will work well with my students because it is a new experience, and thus they will enjoy it. Moreover, I decided to upload the draft for my plan report an hour before the due time. However, I found that many colleagues were trying to upload their reports too. Nevertheless, I uploaded my draft successfully and then I felt happy and relaxed.

We have one more week to complete our reports.  I have to be careful providing a clear and concise explanation and creating tasks in WebQuests. This is vital so that my students would be able to work on it easily. 

Donna has reminded us that the course is drawing to the end, so this made me very sad. I think back to the start of the course, and recognise that we have enjoyed learning so many useful things. I accepted friend requests and the invitation suggested from our Yellowgroup colleagues immediately when I saw the familiar names on my Facebook.  I would like to give a special thanks to Husni for starting our warm connection for our group. But please don’t forget to invite Donna to join us too!


  1. Hello Yaowapa,

    You are reading my thoughts. I think everybody in the group has the same feelings and experiences as well. I do like your reflection, it was like I was sitting right next to you and chatting. And I am still waiting for your friend request.
    Concerning tools and your quotes, I fully agree with you. We have been responsible students and work it out to the end. The course is really brilliant in structure and ideology. It is for sure helpful for our prefessional growth and moreover we have met interesting people here. Thanks to Hues who organized connection on Facebook we have chatted in relaxed way and got to know each other better.
    I would also use at my classes WebQuest, PPP, PBL, PadLet, rubrics, and useful resources given this week. You find them also marvellous, don't you? It's up to us continue the course's idea on using web technologies at classes. We should agitate and share out experience with our fellow teachers.
    Yes, the end of the course is approaching and it makes me feel sad, but I still think we will be in touch on Facebook sharing with our experiments.
    The view of your school is wonderful. I believe you enjoy working there.


  2. Hello Nazgul,

    So glad to meet you on Yellowgroup and in our space on facebook too.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I am glad you like it.
    Unfortunately, we may not mention some of interesting parts of the course but totally, we have enjoyed every week Tasks a lot. It has been so amazing how the Webskills team organized the course for us so very well. Although it is only 10 week course, it seems to me like we have taken the time as much as when we learnt our master degree and every session, every step would be always in our mind and our thoughts.
    I know we all would like to take the ideas, teaching techniques by using the new technology tools we have learnt from our course to apply using with our students.

    I wish the Webskills team keep in touch with our group and send us something new about new technology tools from time to time. We are proud to get this characteristic of 21st century teachers too.




  3. Hi Yaowapa
    Your tools and quoates are great. I am very glad to meet you. You are very hard-working person. And your blog is great.
    Good luck.

    1. Hello Madina,

      You are so kind to say that.
      We are almost reach the finish line and my schedule is very very tight.
      Fortunately, Dr.Donna Shaw is very flexible and kind to let the world go around.
      Thank you, and good luck to you too.

